The business logic encoded in the
The customer provided a new piece of software, called BasicRobot, which is compatible with the
The coordinates of the points of interest of the parking-area, previously hard-coded inside the
home(0, 0, s). parking(1, 1, e). indoor(6, 0, n). outdoor(6, 4, s).
The GUI sends messages to the business logic as an
The messages
We just need to check wether the trolley manages to reach the correct points of interest in the correct order and in a sensible amount of time. Moreover, the trolley must be unaffected by enter requests while the parking-slot is full or exit requests while it's empty. The
The class
The full test plan for this sprint can be retrieved from the following local link: Sprint1Test.kt (copy on GitHub here). We report hereunder the most significant fragments:
@Test fun checkCleanSequence() { actor!!.forward("enterRequest", "enterRequest(0)", "parkmanagerserviceactor") assertNotMovingInTime(3000) actor!!.forward("carEnter", "carEnter(1)", "parkmanagerserviceactor") assertLocationInTime("6", "0", "N", 10000) assertLocationInTime("1", "1", "E", 10000) assertLocationInTime("0", "0", "S", 10000) assertNotMovingInTime(3000) actor!!.forward("exitRequest", "exitRequest(1)", "parkmanagerserviceactor") assertLocationInTime("1", "1", "E", 10000) assertLocationInTime("6", "4", "S", 10000) assertLocationInTime("0", "0", "S", 50000) assertNotMovingInTime(3000) }
Executable model: trolley.qak | Test plan: Sprint1Test.kt |
Because of other exams we had to take, the delivery dates have shifted.
Sprint 1 will be delivered on
We expect Sprint 2 to be completed within
We expect Sprint 3 to be completed within
We expect the whole project to be finished by