Final task ISS-2021 Bologna: Automated Car-Parking


Automated Car-Parking

A company intends to build an automating parking service composed of a set of elements:
The job of our company is to design, build and deploy the ParkManagerService.

User stories

As a client - parking phase : As a client - car pick up phase : As a parking-manager:


The ParkManagerService should create the ParkServiceGUI (for the client) and the ParkServiceStatusGUI (for the manager) and then perform the following tasks:

About the devices

All the sensors (weigthsensor, outsonar, thermometer ) and the fan should be properly simulated by mock-objects or mock-actors.

When available a Raspberry and a sonar

The outsonar could be a real device. We can simulate the presence/absence of a car.

Non functional requirements

  1. The ideal work team is composed of 3 persons. Teams of 1 or 2 persons (NOT 4 or more) are also allowed.
  2. The team must present a workplan as the result of the requirement/problem analysis, including some significant TestPlan.
  3. The team must present the sequence of SPRINT performed, with appropriate motivations.
  4. Each SPRINT must be associated with its own 'chronicle' (see templateToFill.html) that presents, in concise way, the key-points related to each phases of development.
    Hopefully, the team could also deploy the system using docker.
  5. Each team must publish and maintain a GIT-repository (referred in the templateToFill.html) with the code and the related documents.
  6. The team must present (in synthetic, schematic way) the specific activity of each team-component.

Requirements analysis


Provided software and hardware

The transport trolley

The trolley is a direct-drive robot compatible in terms of interaction and behavior with the virtual environment WEnv provided by the customer.

Since every position in the parking-area is expressed as a multiple of the side RD of the trolley, the communication with the virtual robot should follow the aril convention.

The parking-area and its points of interest

The customer provided a map of the parking-area in a textual format. Said map is partially compatible with an available legacy tool called PlannerUtil, which is able to plan the route to drive a robot to a specified spot avoiding obstacles. Said tool, however, requires the map to be in a binary format. It should be made available as soon as possible a utility function to convert the representation of the map.

The customer provided also a second description of the parking-area as a JavaScript configuration file compatible with the WEnv. An installation of the WEnv with said configuration should be made available as soon as possible for testing purposes.

All the sensible spots in the parking-area are representable as pairs of coordinates on the map. However, while being not walkable over, the vast majority of them require a specific position and orientation of the trolley. It is indeed convenient to represent them not by their position, but by a triple representing the required position (in terms of X and Y) and orientation (in terms of N, E, S or W) of the trolley to properly operate on them.

Home Location:  [0, 0, S]
INDOOR-area:    [6, 0, N]
OUTDOOR-area:   [6, 4, S]
Parking-slot 1: [1, 1, E]
Parking-slot 2: [1, 2, E]
Parking-slot 3: [1, 3, E]
Parking-slot 4: [4, 1, W]
Parking-slot 5: [4, 2, W]
Parking-slot 6: [4, 3, W]

The PlannerUtil should be extended by a new component to add the functionality to plan the desired orientation of the trolley alongside its desired position.

Weightsensor and outsonar

The customer clarified that the weightsensor measures the weight of the car in the INDOOR-area and the outsonar detects the presence of a car in the OUTDOOR-area, but he doesn't provide code or physical devices to use. However, he specified that both should be properly simulated by mock-objects or mock-actors.

While being two physically different components, the weightsensor and the outsonar serve the same logical function and thus they can be both modeled as presence sensors with appropriate adapters. We report hereunder a diagram to illustrate the conceptual taxonomy:

These sensors should be queryable entities as to know if they does or does not detect a presence. They should also be put behind some kind of interface.

Concerning the additional requirement to use a real device for the outsonar, the customer clarified that he expects it to be a HC-SR04 distance sensor mounted on a Raspberry Pi single-board computer. We have some legacy control software available for this use case.

Thermometer and Fan

The customer clarified that the thermometer measures the temperature of the area and about the fan he doesn't specify its behavior. Furthermore, he doesn't provide code or physical devices to use. However, he specified that both should be properly simulated by mock-objects or mock-actors.

Much like the sonar and the weight sensor, the thermometer should be a queryable component put behind some kind of interface. The fan should be a passive component able to start and stop the device when notified to do so and it should be put behind an interface, too.

ParkServiceGUI and ParkServiceStatusGUI

The ParkServiceGUI (used by clients) and the ParkServiceStatusGUI (used by the parking-manager) must be provided by our ParkManagerService.

The customer has intended that the two GUIs must be very available entities able to function on many devices. They are likely best to be designed as Web GUIs.

User stories

The user stories provided by the customer are sufficiently precise and complete and they do not need immediate elaboration.

Informal test plan

The requirement details provided by the customer are accurate enough to act as an informal test plan on their own.

Problem analysis

Relevant aspects

  1. The system to be built will be a distributed system, consisting of several macro-components:
    • the transport trolley;
    • the weight sensor;
    • the thermometer;
    • the fan;
    • the outsonar;
    • our application (ParkManagerService, complete with its two GUIs), which sends commands to the trolley in order to meet the requirements.
  2. This distributed system, made of several heterogeneous components, would benefit greatly from an actor-based framework with support for message-passing interaction; for this purpose, we should leverage the available QAK meta-model to build executable models;
  3. There isn't any conceptual abstraction gap for this problem, however since we proposed to exploit the QAK meta-model, we are put in front of an abstraction gap regarding the use of languages because QAK relies on Java and Kotlin to work. However, QAK itself manages to fill a large part of this limitation, as it is supplied with its own domain specific language and because it was designed specifically for heterogeneous distributed systems;
  4. The QAK meta-model provides compatibility with the communication protocols TCP, MQTT and CoAP, equally valid for the interaction between actors; regarding the communication with the WEnv (or other compatible trolleys), both supported interaction models (HTTP POST and WebSocket) are fit for the task.
  5. We will use the following legend for all the diagrams in the document:

Logical architecture

Each logical component should be modeled as an actor or split in two or more actors as expressed by the following general architecture:

Moreover, here's the conceptual architecture of the alarms sub-system:

The business logic

The core business logic can be conveniently described as a finite-state machine to be enclosed into a proper actor. Such actor controls the main state of the application and presents a purely reactive behavior, since it just reacts to external stimuli.

The goto outputs should be delivered to an entity able to perform the implied set of elementary actions on the trolley.

The additional task manage must ensure that, regardless of the current state, the execution of the automaton gets stopped whenever the manager gives the relative signal. When the manager gives the resume signal, the automaton must resume its evolution from where it was interrupted. Moreover, the additional task monitor must update the ParkServiceStatusGUI with the current status of the system.

In states acceptIN and acceptOut, if the conditions to process the relative requests are not met, their processing must be postponed. While the trolley is stopped, new enter and exit requests by clients are not postponed, they are instead refused (with proper notice).

Sensors and actuators

Each actor using a presence sensor entity should poll the presence within a fixed interval of time and fire an event each time the status changes from present to not-present (or the other way around). These actors thus present proactive behavior.

Much like the presence sensors, the thermometer entity should be encapsulated into a proactive actor that polls the temperature and fires an event with the new temperature value each time it varies significantly according to the sensitivity of the device.

The fan actor is reactive in nature and should be able to receive dispatches and update the status of the fan entity according to them.

The user interfaces

The ParkManagerService app is composed of two GUIs: the ParkServiceGUI, used by clients, and the ParkServiceStatusGUI, used by the parking-manager. The GUIs should be controlled by two different and independent actors because they may not be hosted on the business logic node. They will probably not even run on the same node, because the physical device used by the client will likely not be the same device used by the manager. If the designer chooses to build them with a Web framework, then the GUIs will act as websites and this constraint will probably not be required.

The proactive behavior (toward the system) is prevalent on both GUIs, since their main purpose is to take in user input. Especially the ParkServiceStatusGUI presents however also a reactive behavior in how it handles alarms.

The ParkServiceGUI has three buttons:

  1. The PARKING SLOT button is needed to notify the interest by a client in entering its car in the parking-area and to receive the number SLOTNUM of a free parking-slot (between 1 and 6). If SLOTNUM is equal to 0, it means that no free slot is available.
  2. The CARENTER button can be pressed only if SLOTNUM is greater than 0, so that the transport trolley may take the car from the INDOOR to the assigned parking-slot. Then it would show the client a receipt that includes the unique TOKENID that will be needed later to pick up the car.
  3. The PICK UP THE CAR button is needed to pick up the car with the TOKENID received before, which needs to be written in its specific section under the button. The client's car will then be moved to the OUTDOOR-area.

The ParkServiceStatusGUI has a grid with the parking-area status (red rectangles are occupied parking-slots), a section with the transport trolley status (idle, working or stopped) and a dedicated section for the temperature, in which you can see and manage the fan status when it is necessary with the use of three buttons: start, stop and auto (to automate the behavior of the fan); here you can also suspend and resume the behavior of the trolley with the start and stop buttons. At last, there is also a rectangle in which alarms appear.

Driving the trolley

To access the WEnv, it should be considered the usage of a more sophisticated tool, already available, called BasicStepRobotActor, which would be able to avoid interferences among overlapping commands and to natively receive movement orders expressed as steps. A new service, for now called RobotProxy, may be required to ensure compatibility between our system and the legacy tool BasicStepRobotActor.

The diagram hereunder presents a possible architecture taking advantage of the suggested tools BasicStepRobotActor and DirectionalPlanner (extension of PlannerUtil):

The WEnv requires a request-reply communication paradigm. Even if some intermediate steps will probably favor different approaches, the replies from the WEnv should nevertheless be always brought back to the actor that originated the relative requests.

The WEnv itself presents both proactive and reactive behavior, however it is only required its reactive nature for this application, since there are no virtual sonars in the scene and since robot collisions are theoretically excluded thanks to the map.

The alarms

The system requires the presence of a timed alarm for when the OUTDOOR-area has not been cleared within DTFREE time from the beginning of its occupation. The system also suggests the presence of a second alarm for when TA exceeds TMAX and some kind of notification for when TA goes back into its normal low temperature range.

We suggest the presence of two proactive actors, one for the OUTDOOR and one for the temperature, that fire an event each time they have an alarm or a notification to report. For the actor requiring temporization, it is available a legacy component called TimerActor that may be leveraged for this purpose (see the alarms sub-system diagram).

Refined test plan

User story 1 - parking phase

User story 2 - car pick up phase

User story 3 - parking-manager

Executable model

A QAK executable model of the logical architecture can be retrieved from the following local link: trolley.qak (copy on GitHub here). Every actor introduced in the main logical architecture and in the alarms sub-system has been implemented.

The QActor parkmanagerserviceactor implements the business logic automaton described in the main section of the problem analysis.

The QActor trolleyactor models the status of the trolley (idle or working) and, upon the reception of goto(PLACE) messages, drives the actual trolley to the specified location using a first implementation of the RobotProxy and of the DirectionalPlanner, which have already been discussed.

The QActors parkserviceguiactor and parkservicestatusguiactor are, for now, merely reactive components that print on the standard output a user-friendly version of the messages they receive. The parkservicestatusguiactor also sets the status of the fan upon receiving a temperature-related alarm.

The CodedQActors weightactor, sonaractor and thermometeractor are observable mock-objects that leverage the Java Swing components ButtonMock and LedMock (previously developed for another project) to receive user inputs and emit events based upon them. The QActor fanactor is based on the same concepts, but it is much simpler, because it does not need to handle user inputs. The implied taxonomy we discussed about the presence sensors is omitted at the moment.

The QActors outdoorsentinelactor and temperaturesentinelactor emit their respective alarms as expected by the given requirements. The TimerActor is implicitly provided by the QAK meta-model with the whenTime keyword.

Instead of converting the format of the map to obtain a binary file, as previously discussed, we found easier to program a new rudimentary tool, called MapUtils, which draws a new map (with the same features as the original) and saves it in the correct format.


The executable model is compliant with the following test plan:

  1. The transport trolley is in home position initially, with coordinates [0, 0, S].
  2. When the weightsensor button is pressed, an "indoorOccupied" event and an enter request are sent. So, the "SLOTNUM" dispatch is sent and the INDOOR-area, with coordinates [6, 0, N], results occupied.
  3. The transport trolley starts its path going in that cell and a "TOKENID" dispatch is sent. Then it goes on the only free parking-slot (the number 1, with coordinates [1, 1, E]) and comes back to home.
  4. Then an exit request is sent and transport trolley goes in front of the parking-slot in which the car was parked (simulating the pick up of the car). It positions itself in front of the OUTDOOR-area, with coordinates [6, 4, S]. At last it comes back in its home.
  5. If the weightsensor button is pressed while the parking-slot 1 is occupied, the transport trolley mustn't go to the INDOOR-area to take the car.


The advancement of the project can be followed on this GitHub repository:

Based on what was discussed in this initial phase, we concluded that there will be needed 3 sprints for the design of this application.

Sprint 1

This sprint will start on July the 19th and we expect it to be completed within 2 working days.

Sprint 2

We expect this sprint to be completed within 3 working days.

Sprint 3

We expect this sprint to be completed within 3 working days and the whole project to be finished by July the 27th.

By: Giacomo Fantazzini and Claudia Badalamenti
Email: -